Back in January we reported that Eddie Edwards had been rushed to the hospital following a scary looking spot at the IMPACT Wrestling tapings in Orlando, involving Sami Callihan and a baseball bat. The spot, which saw Sami place a chair on his opponent’s chest and smash it with a bat, ended badly when the wooden bat ricocheted off the chair and caught Edwards in the eye, breaking his nose and several facial bones.
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The segment aired on this week’s episode of IMPACT Wrestling, and while the spot doesn’t actually look that terrible (the magic of editing, perhaps) the promotion did advertised “viewer discretion” before the show began. You can watch it for yourself above.
Taya Returns to IMPACT Wrestling
Taya Valkyrie made a surprise return to IMPACT Wrestling this Thursday night, appearing on the show for the first time in nearly five months. Well, as much of a surprise as one can be when you tape several months in advance.
Taya quickly reignited her old rivalry with the bizarre Rosemary, planting her on the hard entrance ramp. The two were set to finalize their bloody feud in the first ever Red Wedding at last year’s Bound For Glory pay-per-view, but there was a complication with the show being in Ontario, Canada and Taya being afraid her current residency status would prohibit her from reentering the U.S. It looks like we may finally got a resolution to one of 2017’s best feuds.