WWE 205 Live Results
October 24, 2018
— A video package recapping the excellent drama between Hideo Itami and Mustafa Ali over the last two months opened the show, before Vic Joseph welcomed us to the 100th episode of WWE 205 Live!
LINCE DORADO (w/ Lucha House Party) vs. MIKE KANELLIS (w/ Maria)
Lince sent the 205 newcomer into the corner with dropkick right away, and outmaneuvered Kanellis with some explosive offense to get things started. Dorado hit a headscissors that sent his opponent to the outside and looked to fly, but Maria Kanellis got up on the apron to distract him, allowing Mike to attack from behind and slow things down.
Mike worked a chin lock for a beat before the Lucha House Party got the crowd behind Dorado, and they worked him back into the match. Kanellis didn’t let him get very far, nailing a shot to the back of the head before applying a modified surfboard stretch, clubbing down on his opponent with blows all over the body. Dorado snapped off with a beautiful hurricanrana and nearly stole the match, but Mike kicked out and connected with a superkick.
The two went back and forth, both kicking out of everything they threw at each other. Eventually Dorado went to the top rope looking to put things away, but crashed and burned. Kanellis scooped him up for a gigantic spinebuster, but it still wasn’t enough. He took a bit too much time recovering and Lince flew of the ropes with a springboard cutter, then climbed the ropes again – this time connecting with the shooting star press. 1…2… Kanellis got his foot on the bottom rope!
A frustrated Kanellis went to the outside and attacked Kalisto and Gran Metalik. Lince flew through the ropes and took him down with an amazing suicide hurricanrana to the floor. They rolled back into the ring and Mike pulled back the ropes, snapping his opponent in the face. Cross Rhodes connects! 1…2…3!
Winner: Mike Kanellis