Malala Yousafzai, the sixteen-year-old girl shot in the head by Taliban members in her native Pakistan for speaking out for women’s right to education, is calling out the U.S. government and her own for refusing to do what seems obvious to her: hold peace talks.
Now living in the UK following surgeries for her wounds and ongoing rehabilitation, Yousafzai gave an interview to the BBC in which she called on the U.S to make efforts to end the war taking place in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
“The best way to solve problems and to fight against war is through dialogue,” she told the BBC. “That’s not an issue for me, that’s the job of the government… and that’s also the job of America.”
Meanwhile, as the possibility of talks between the Afghan Taliban have stalled once again ahead of next year’s deadline set by President Obama, a negotiated peace seems as far away as ever.
At a press conference on Monday, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said he is not sure the U.S.—now in its thirteenth year of occupying the Central Asian country—can be trusted to respect Afghan sovereignty after 2014. And once again, Karzai is threatening not to sign a military agreement, called the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA), designed to establish the ground rules for ongoing U.S. and NATO involvement in the country.
Karzai said he is unsatisfied with the behavior of the U.S. government, specifically citing the continued death of Aghan civilians by U.S. troops, aerial bombings by ISAF forces, and continued drone attacks.
Referring to the U.S and NATO leaders, Karzai said, “They want us to keep silent when civilians are killed. We will not, we cannot.”