Video —
This week on Being The Elite —
The cold open —
Matt Hardy met with Private Party and told them that despite their misgivings, Butcher, Blade and Bunny will gel with their group. He said Darby Allin and Sting should stay out of their business. He said that his ultimate goal is to destroy the Dark Order.
In a flashback sequence, Hardy slipped into his Broken character to recruit Butcher, Blade and Bunny.
Matt explained to Kassidy and Quen that he is a chameleon and can slip in and out of the Broken character if need be.
The Elite —
Matt Jackson brought his kids to Dynamite and we saw footage of them playing in the ring and posing with Matt and Nick backstage.
Matt, Darby Allin, Angelico, Jack Evans and Brian Cage played with skateboards backstage.
Matt and Nick told Brandon Cutler that he should be proud of himself after losing on Dynamite. Cutler said that these aren’t the Bucks that he grew up with. He said they’ve become content with success and money. Cutler said Don Callis is right about them. He said even BTE has become the Dark Order show. He asked them what they saw when they looked in the mirror.
Dark Order —
The group was dejected after John Silver’s loss against Allin on Dynamite. Evil Uno said that he got word that Silver might need an arm replacement. They decided to cut off 5’s arm to give to Silver. Silver said he didn’t want 5’s arm, he wanted his genitals. A shrimp fell to the ground as they cut away at 5.
The Good Brothers —
Gallows taped his hands together so he couldn’t pleasure himself. He was in a bad mood and decided to sit in the locker room and eat candy.
Miscellaneous bits —
Cezar Bononi and Luchasaurus made a brief cameo.
Marko Stunt said he wanted to be the first to break the Spanish announce table in AEW. Alex Abrahantes alerted the crew and they scared Stunt away from the table.
Public Swole Announcement returned as a segment. Big Swole said that the mask goes over the nose.