‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ host reacts to his interview on COVID getting censored by Google’s YouTube
Doctor Hooman Noorchashm is one of the country’s leading immunologists. He’s also a surgeon. He’s held appointments at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Harvard Medical School, and the Philadelphia VA. He’s written dozens of peer-reviewed articles in publications like The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal of Immunology. He has every possible credential in his field. In other words, by any measure, including the measures now being used to justify censorship in Silicon Valley, Doctor Hooman Noorchashm is unquestionably an “expert.” We invited Doctor Noorchashm on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to discuss a new report from health officials in Israel that has profound implications for young people in the United States.
Researchers have discovered that the coronavirus vaccines appear to cause a stunningly large number of young people to develop a potentially fatal heart condition called myocarditis. Here’s what we said about it:
TUCKER: Israeli health officials released a report showing that vaccinated young people, particularly young men, were developing a potentially fatal complication — a heart inflammation called myocarditis — and they were developing it at extremely high rates. Researchers determined that the incidence of myocarditis in vaccinated young men was fully 25 times the usual rate. Some of them died.
Twenty–five times the rate of potentially fatal heart inflammation. That is a huge jump. If those numbers are right — and we have no reason to think they’re not — healthy young people are far more likely to be injured or killed by the vaccine against COVID than by COVID itself. That is a huge ‘stop the presses’ moment, and it raises all kinds of very obvious questions, beginning with why are colleges across the country requiring students to take it?
This seemed like a potential health emergency to us, a disaster created by reckless leadership. That was our read of the numbers. But we wanted a higher authority because we wanted to be as responsible as we could, so we asked Dr. Noorchashm for his view. He agreed that making vaccines mandatory for college students is a grave mistake, not least because so many young people already have had and recovered from the coronavirus, and they have antibodies against the coronavirus:
NOORCHASHM: I believe – as we’ve discussed before – that vaccinated people who are COVID recovered – in this emergency situation where we’ve very rapidly approved this new vaccine is a colossal error in public health judgment.
“A colossal error in public health judgment,” from someone who works in public health. That was Dr. Noorchashm’s view, and he didn’t say it lightly. In fact, his own son is currently being forced by the University of Chicago to take the vaccine. He’s already had coronavirus and recovered, too, and Dr. Noorchashm is fighting that mandate. He’s thought a lot about it. He thinks it matters. After our conversation last night, Dr. Noorchashm uploaded that exchange onto YouTube. Other parents have an absolute right to know these facts. Lives could depend on it. But the tech monopolies will no longer allow that discussion.
For reasons we can’t know for certain — but that is clearly sinister and incompatible with democracy — Big Tech will no longer allow any questions about vaccines, even from Harvard immunologists quoting government data. Big Tech companies censor everything but happy talk and propaganda. Soon Dr. Noorchashm got this message.
“Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our medical misinformation policy. We’ve removed the following content from YouTube.”
So, Dr. Hooman Noorchashm was silenced by Google. But the world is a big place, thankfully, and Noorchashm isn’t the only person who’s noticed what’s happening, what the data coming in from front-line scientists are saying about this vaccine and its effect.
In Canada, a physician called Jean Marc Benoit has launched a petition alongside a member of Parliament — Derek Sloan — to suspend COVID-19 vaccinations for young people. That petition now more than 25,000 signatures. They’ve received dozens of reports from physicians and nurses in hospitals with COVID patients saying that young people are becoming seriously ill after taking the vaccine.
“The COVID-19 vaccination is effectively human experimentation,” the petition reads. Meanwhile, Germany is now recommending that healthy young people avoid the vaccine, period. It’s too dangerous.
In this country, Doctors have noticed, the FCA and CDC have noticed. The CDC is holding an emergency meeting to discuss these numbers, which two of our own government’s vaccine reporting systems confirm is real. YouTube is aware of all of this, how could they not be? And if they’re not, we laid it out it in the clip they just banned.
TUCKER JUNE 11, 2021: Between July 1, 1997, and the end of 2013 — five and half years — there were 2,149 deaths reported in the U.S. for all vaccines combined. Yet in just six months, there have been more than 5,160 deaths associated with the covid vaccine, as reported to VAERS. More than double, in less than one-tenth the time. Oh, but those numbers are wrong, claim the usual liars with maximum hysteria. OK. So what are the real numbers? How many people have been killed or injured by the COVID vaccines? Does anyone know the answer?
Yeah, well that’s all reported on government websites. Go to the HHS website. But if you read those numbers out loud, you will be published. If you read government data in public, you will be censored. Maybe that’s the reason no one does read government data on the air.
Yesterday, a physician called Tracey Hoeg, who has a Ph.D. in epidemiology, qualified to discuss this, logged on Twitter to discuss the data on heart inflammation among young people.
“Post-vax myocarditis was clearly above baseline at the end of May. We are standing on shaky ground if we say the risk to otherwise healthy kids from COVID-19 is higher than it is from the vaccine.” Get it? That is rooted in scientific data. It is an obvious observation, and it has profound public health implications for tens of millions of people in this country. Yet, within seconds, Twitter flagged her tweet as “misleading.” Tracey Hoeg, who is a scientist, seemed stunned.
“I’m quoting the CDC’s own slides,” she wrote.
That used to be allowed. As of just months ago, as long as you quoted credentialed experts or government data, you were allowed to discuss science. Those were the rules YouTube wrote. Now even quoting the Biden administration’s own vaccine numbers harm numbers will get you censored immediately.
Sen. Ron Johnson was just suspended from YouTube because he suggested hydroxychloroquine might be a treatment for the coronavirus. He also said you might not need the vaccine if you’ve had and recovered from COVID. Those aren’t crazy positions, they’re rooted in science. Many researchers now agree with Ron Johnson, including Nature Magazine. Are they banned? We don’t know. Because now, in the United States, you’re no longer allowed to be anything less than an enthusiastic booster of vaccines for everybody.
In fact, Tracey Hoeg and Ron Johnson may have gotten off easy with censorship. It could have been worse, they might have ended up in jail.
Think we’re joking? Several weeks ago, Michigan’s Attorney General, a lunatic called Dana Nessel, found out that restaurant owner Marlena Hackney was planning to come on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” to talk about the state’s lockdown orders and their effect on her business. Nessel wanted to silent Hackney and prevent her from doing that. She wrote this email to her staff:
“Do we know her whereabouts? We should just have her picked up before she goes on. This is outrageous.” Arrested so she can’t go on TV to complain about Dana Nessel’s lockdown orders. And, in fact, a week later, Michigan State Police, to their great shame, arrested Marlena Hackney and threw her in jail.
She was imprisoned for daring to speak out. That happened in the state of Michigan. Are you surprised? You shouldn’t be. It was always the next step. This was never going to end with censorship on social media. If they can control what you write, why can’t they control what you say and think and do? Why can’t they throw you behind bars if you disagree with them or criticize their policies? They can — and as Dana Nessel proved — they will.
We’ve been moving toward this for a long time, and not enough people have said anything in response to it. They cower and hope they won’t be punished. But they’re going to be punished if this continues.
Remember that back in September, a Chinese virologist called Doctor Li-Meng Yang, appeared on this show to say something we now know likely happened. She claimed this virus came from a lab in Wuhan.
LI-MENG YAN, CHINESE VIROLOGIST WHISTLEBLOWER: From my first report, I can present a solid scientific evidence to our audience that this virus, COVID-19, SARS-CoV2 virus — actually is not from nature. … I worked with the top corona virologists in the world. So together with my experience, I can tell you, this is created in the lab. This is from that template owned by China military, and also, it has spread to the world to make such damage.
TUCKER: To make such damage. Do you believe the Chinese government released this intentionally on purpose? Did they do this?
DR. LI-MENG YAN, CHINESE VIROLOGIST WHISTLEBLOWER: Yes, of course, it is intentional.
That turned out to be right, we believe, and a lot of other people believe. But Facebook yanked that video down. They pulled it down, they censored it.
If you wonder why we’re always touting Fox Nation, the main reason is, Google and Facebook don’t control it. It’s a subscription service that goes directly from our service to you through no intermediaries, they can’t censor it.
But Facebook did censor that. The 23-year-old Oberlin graduates on Facebook decided they knew more about the origins of COVID-19 than a Chinese virologist who was in Wuhan at the time. And to justify their censorship, they cited a “fact-checking” article that relied on a letter to the editor in The Lancet. Not an article, a letter to the editor. That letter, we now know, was written by the very same virologists who were working to modify bat coronaviruses in Wuhan using your tax dollars.
That’s not the only “banned theory” that’s turned out to be more credible than the official story.
There’s a lot of them. Back in April, one California doctor was taken off YouTube for saying he was personally pressured to over-report COVID deaths.
DAN ERICKSON, BAKERSFIELD, CA: We aren’t pressured to test for flu. But ER doctors now, my friends that I talk to say, you know, it’s interesting when I’m writing up my death report, I’m being pressured to add COVID. Why is that? Why are we being pressured to add COVID? To maybe increase the numbers and make it look a little bit worse than it is? I think so.
That was Dr. Dan Erickson in Bakersfield. He wasn’t saying this was happening, he was saying this happened to him. He had first-hand, direct experience of this happening, and he was censored for saying it.
And, he was right. It didn’t just happen to him. This week, one of California’s biggest counties, Alameda, admitted that it over-reported COVID deaths by 25%. It turns out the county was including deaths from anything, as long as the deceased had COVID at the time of death. George Floyd had COVID at the time of death – was he a COVID death? In Alameda County, you could fall off a ladder, get hit by a bus? Until this week, you were a COVID death if you had antibodies in your system. That’s true. But the tech monopolies allowed no one to say that. Not because saying that was false. They wouldn’t let you say that because it was accurate.
How long can this continue?
This article is adapted from Tucker Carlson’s opening commentary on the June 11, 2021, edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
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