Olympic Games tickets now on sale

Tickets for the London 2012 Olympic Games are now on sale around the world. In the UK and within the EU, people can apply for tickets between March 15 and April 26, 2011.

A total of 6.6 million tickets will be on sale to the public from 15 March. UK and EU residents can apply via www.tickets.london2012.com at any time during the 42-day application period. It is not a first come, first served system and there is no advantage to applying earlier in the process.

Ticket prices were announced last year with a wide range of prices available. Full price tickets start at just £20 across all sports and LOCOG has created an innovative ‘Pay Your Age’ scheme at more than 220 sessions for young people who are aged 16 and under when the Games start on 27 July 2012. People aged 60 or over when the Games start will pay just £16 at these sessions. The lowest priced ticket for the Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games will be £20.12, with the highest priced ticket coming in at £2,012.

source: FIVB

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