Miami Beach Mask Order Takes Effect For Coronavirus

MIAMI BEACH, FL — In an attempt to stem the spread of the new coronavirus, the city of Miami Beach has ordered all residents and visitors to begin wearing protective masks whenever they visit grocery stores, pharmacies and restaurants .

“We can see very clearly the direction this is headed,” Miami Beach Mayor Dan Gelber said in announcing the measure, which takes effect on Tuesday. “If we sweat the details of what is expected of us, we can change this trajectory.”

The mayor said the order was in response to new CDC guidelines, which recommend wearing masks in public.

“There are innumerable ways to comply without needing to purchase medical grade masks, which candidly are best reserved for health care workers,” Gelber said, noting homemade coverings may include bandannas and scarves.

The same requirement to wear masks also applies to people making deliveries.

Under the order, all employees and customers of grocery stores, pharmacies and restaurant facilities must wear a “form of covering over their nose and mouth at all times” while inside such establishments.

“Medical and surgical face masks, such as ‘N95’ masks or other similar medical or
surgical masks, are in short supply and should be reserved for health care personnel
and other first responders with the greatest need for such personal protective
equipment,” according to the order.

Acceptable coverings may include a face mask, homemade mask or cloth covering, such as a scarf, bandanna or handkerchief, and should complement — not substitute for — social distancing practices, the order states.

“As to all other essential retail and commercial establishments permitted to remain open, employees and customers are strongly encouraged to wear a form of covering over their nose and mouth. All establishments are strongly encouraged to implement policies for employees to use other personal protective equipment, such as gloves, subject to the availability of such items,” the order states.

The mayor stressed the masks are only one tool in the fight against the spread of the respiratory illness.

“Remember these masks reduce risk to others but don’t obviously eliminate it,” the mayor added. “Please continue to observe social distancing to keep you and your loved ones safe.”

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