Fox News analyst Cathy Areu recovers from coronavirus: It’s like the virus ‘knows your weaknesses’

Cathy Areu speaks out after she and her two daughters tested positive for coronavirus.

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When Fox News analyst Cathy Areu contracted COVID-19, she didn't experience any of the top symptoms most commonly described.

The liberal political analyst from Florida appeared early Tuesday on "Fox & Friends First" with host Rob Schmitt.

"I was mild to moderate. They consider it that because I didn't need a respirator. But, I pretty much got 13 symptoms," she explained.


Some of Areu's coronavirus symptoms were loss of taste and appetite, headache, blurred vision, teary eyes and fever over the span of five days.


Shortly after she recovered, her two young daughters were infected. Christina had a fever, chills, GI problems, a sore throat, fatigue and headaches, and Sofia had respiratory issues, a dry cough, a tight chest, headaches and fatigue.

"Everyone has a different experience with this," she remarked. "It's almost like the virus knows your weaknesses. And, my weaknesses are headaches and migraines … it's behind the eyes, the ears, the back of the neck," she explained.

"And, every day were like three new symptoms. And, by day four I just said I don't know what tomorrow's going to bring. I don't know if I can face it," Areu continued further. "And, the doctor and the pandemic expert both actually said, 'We don't know what tomorrow's going to bring. This is actually all new to us as well.' Yeah, no one knew what the next day was bringing."

"I actually have asthma and I have shortness of breath, but I just used my inhaler and that wasn't my big symptom. It was really [a] loss of vision: blurry. I couldn't see," she told Schmitt.

Areu said that prior to catching the virus she had been careful. She was self-quarantining and thought she could have potentially picked it up in the grocery store after an emergency run.


"So, the symptoms they keep mentioning — those top three symptoms — were not necessarily my symptoms," she warned

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.on Monday announced a stay-at-home order for the southern portion of the state as the number of positive coronavirus cases grows. His decision comes as the Zaandam cruise ship travels toward the Sunshine State with four dead passengers and 179 others with flu-like symptoms.

Confirmed cases in the United States have now surpassed 164,000 – the most worldwide – with over 3,000 deaths reported.