Balearic Islands uses tourist tax to push visitors to learn Catalan as part of controversial drive to push language

Tourists visiting the Balearic Islands will be invited to learn phrases in Catalan, as part of a drive to promote the use of the local language in the Spanish autonomous community.

Under a new initiative by the regional government, overseas visitors will be provided with cards introducing them to the Catalan tongue, according to a letter to hoteliers published by the newspaper El Mundo.

Balearics authorities have prepared cards written in nine languages “emulating business cards” which would be placed in the lobbies of hotels, guesthouses, tourist apartments and tourist information offices. A display expert has been hired to ensure their presentation in “the most visually attractive” way, the letter, signed by the Balearics cultural and tourism secretaries, explains.

Hoteliers will be expected to make sure there are sufficient cards and replace them when necessary. 

The Balearics government is working to increase the use of the Catalan language, particularly in the public sector. But it is a highly politicised issue in an autonomous community eyed by some Catalan separatists on the mainland as part of the wider "Catalan Countries".

The islands too have their own burgeoning separatist movement, but it remains on a much smaller scale than that in Catalonia. However the junior partner in the Balearics government coalition has called for a independence referendum in 2030, a prospect that has stirred controversy among the local population. 

The latest initiative follows a call from a cultural organisation, Obra Cultural Balear, to use funds from the newly-increased tourist "eco-tax" to promote  Catalan in the holiday industry. The group’s president met with Bel Besquets, the tourism secretary and vice-president, on July 11 to push for “linguistic normalisation” in the sector, saying that workers more frequently learned languages such as English, German and Russian.

El Mundo said hotel operators it contacted had yet to receive the letter, but that many criticised the proposed use of the tourist tax to fund the move. It quoted one unnamed hotelier as saying the tax had become "a scheme to do whatever they like with the money, putting seriously at risk the touristic future of the Balearics". 

All of the Balearic Islands speak slight variants of Catalan, which along with Castilian Spanish is an official language of the autonomous community.

Nevertheless, the introduction of requirements such as minimum Catalan language levels for medical staff has met with resistance from non-Catalan speakers.

A study released last October by the University of the Balearic Islands found that Catalan use had become "increasingly fragile" over the past decade, with 37 percent viewing it as their main language compared to 50 percent for Castilian Spanish. It attributed this in part to the influx of visitors and residents from overseas and other parts of Spain.

Five Catalan phrases for tourists