ABBA Throw Support Behind Greta Thunberg and Her 'Super Powers'

ABBA singer Bjorn Ulvaeus has come out in support of fellow Swede Greta Thunberg, describing the teenage activist as a girl with “super powers” who has “left the patriachy pissing in its pants.”

The member of the 1970s group used a video message to describe the 16-year-old, who started her school strikes outside the Swedish parliament last August and has become a figurehead for those warning of a looming climate catastrophe, as a “populist’s nightmare”.

The singer said he couldn’t understand where the animosity towards her comes from:

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Addressing her detractors, who he claimed to be primarily older men, Ulvaeus asked: “How can you stoop so low as to criticise the looks of a child?” and says Thunberg gives new momentum to the #MeToo movement, as she “poses a feminist challenge from a new angle.”

He also called her a “blessing” of a role model in a world filled with influencers and reality TV stars, “She’s completely serious when she says we need science to help us mitigate the effects of climate change.”

Thunberg is currently touring the U.S. with her message.

She joined a large crowd of young people skipping school in Iowa City, Iowa for a climate change protest on Friday, where she declared the recent United Nation’s action summit on climate change a flop, as Breitbart News reported.

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