Trump complains to New York Times about 'rough' coverage

President-elect Donald TrumpDonald John TrumpSenate advances public lands bill in late-night vote Warren, Democrats urge Trump to back down from veto threat over changing Confederate-named bases Esper orders ‘After Action Review’ of National Guard’s role in protests MORE complained to New York Times editors and reporters about the “rough” coverage he’s received from the paper but expressed a desire to repair his fractious relationship with the outlet at a meeting on Tuesday.

According to tweets from Times reporters present at the meeting — which was nearly scuttled after a misunderstanding over the terms of the arrangement — Trump opened the discussion with a four-minute long airing of his grievances with the paper.

“I think I’ve been treated very rough,” Trump said. “I will say the Times is about the roughest of all.” 

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Still, Trump expressed a desire to “turn it around.”


“I think it would make the job I am doing much easier,” Trump said, according to tweets.

The scheduled meeting with the Times almost didn’t happen.


Trump ripped the outlet in a series of early morning tweets, saying that the “failing” newspaper has been committed to covering him “inaccurately” and that they had changed the terms of the planned meeting with him on short notice.

The president-elect changed course at the last minute, agreeing to an off-the-record session with the publisher and an on-the-record portion with reporters, which was being live-tweeted by those present in the room with him.

The meeting comes at a tenuous time between Trump and the press.

On Monday, Trump hosted top television news executives and anchors at Trump Tower for an explosive meeting in which he reportedly browbeat those in attendance for their coverage of him.