2020 Bartelma Wrestling Hall of Fame Induction Dinner postponed to October 3rd

The 2020 Minnesota Wrestling Coaches Association David Bartelma Wrestling Hall of Fame Induction Dinner, originally scheduled for May 2nd, has been rescheduled to take place October 3rd in Benson, Minn. Inductees will be Brian Bakke, Tom Campanaro, Mark Costello, Dave Droegemuller, Loren Hacker, Dan Jinks, Don Kussinen, Brian “Buck” Lindberg, and Bob Mueller.

Bartelma Wrestling Hall of Fame Induction Dinner
Saturday, October 3, 2020

Brian Bakke, Contributor
Tom Campanaro, Contributor
Mark Costello, Athlete
Dave Droegemuller, Athlete
Loren Hacker, Contributor
Dan Jinks, Coach
Don Kussinen, Contributor
Brian “Buck” Lindberg, Contributor
Bob Mueller, Coach

Ticket Order Form (pdf)

McKinney’s on Southside (banquet)
Country Inn (attached hotel)
300 14th St. South
Benson, MN 56215
Phone: (320) 843-4395 (rooms)
Toll-Free Hotel Reservations: 1-866-843-4394 or try Benson Inn, 320-842-6990

4:00 PM Social (Cash Bar)
5:00 PM Dinner
5:30 PM Induction Ceremony

Price of Dinner: $33.00 for adults, $20 for kids 12 and under

Make checks Payable to: MWCA

Send Order Form to:
Steve Ricard
405 15th St. North
Benson, MN 56215

320-843-4508 (h)
320-843-2710 (w)
320-444-0569 (cell)
[email protected]