18 risks the insurance industry needs to consider in 2018

By their very nature, risks are constantly evolving in ways society is often unprepared to handle. As our environment changes, known risks are modified, new ones are formed and the insurance industry is presented with new opportunities to reduce, mitigate transfer risk.

Businesses everywhere need to prepare for what’s to come, but risk assessment is impossible if said risks aren’t identified. To assess and underwrite risks, the insurance industry relies on experience and historical data for identified and insurable risks. But the industry also has to deal with a future risk landscape that is changing constantly and where reliance on historical data is not sufficient.

Swiss Re’s 2018 SONAR report examines emerging risks the insurance and reinsurance industry are facing, as well as society in general. The report includes the latest updates on emerging risks as well as longer-term trends shaping the risk landscape.

The emerging risk themes outlined in this report are based on early signals collected throughout the year. While some risks may never materialize, the insurance industry can ill afford to be caught flat-footed as new risks develop and evolve.

With this in mind, read more about the 18 emerging risk themes and their insurance implications that Swiss Re has identified.

Related: Swiss Re announces executive leadership changes

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