The press conference has concluded and the results are in for the Benoit family toxicology reports. Georgia Chief Medical Examiner Kriss Sperry gave the details. First, a few hilights:
– All 3 of them had the anti-anxiety drug Xanex in their system . It was concluded that Deniel Benoit was sedated by the drug before his death.
– There were NO anabolic steroids found in Chris Benoit. He had elevated testosterone levels but that could be a result of many things. There was NO ROID RAGE.
Here is the full breakdown of the press conference and the toxicology findings:
Nancy Benoit had 3 different drugs in her system at the time of death. Hydrocodone (also known as Mortab, Morset) were found at 120 micrograms per liter. Hydromorphone, directly from the breakdown of the Hydrocodone, was also found. Finally, the anti-anxiety drug Xanex was present at 23 micrograms per liter. All 3 drugs were found at the theraputic level – not toxic levels. Her blood alcohol level was 0.184.
Daniel Benoit’s blood tested positive for Xanex at 100 micrograms per liter, which is an elevated. What is interesting about this fact is that the drug Xanex was not prescribed to Daniel and is typically not prescribed to children. Based upon this finding, it is their opinion that Daniel was sedated by Xanex at the time of his murder.
Chris Benoit tested positive for Xanex at 50 micrograms per liter. He also tested positive for Hydrocodone at 45 micrograms per liter. Both of these drugs were within the therapeutic range and not toxic.
As far as steroids ….. Chris Benoit’s urine tested positive for the “steroid” testosterone at 207 micrograms per liter. The elevated level of testosterone his urine were the ONLY “steroids” present in Chris Benoit. No anabolic steroids were found.
Testosterone is found in everyone – in much higher levels in men than women. The medical examiner concluded that there is no way of telling whether Benoit’s elevated testosterone was a result of recent steroid use. He called it a “mystery” – but said that Benoit may have been treated for a testosterone deficiency – a side effect of past steroid abuse.
The drug GHB was not found in any 3 of the individuals.
There is NO indication that ANYTHING found in Chris Benoit’s system directly contributed to his violent behavior that weekend. THERE WAS NO ROID RAGE.
The drugs found in all 3 bodies were at therapeutic – NOT toxic levels. The medical examiner also said that the decomposition of the bodies may have affected the level of alcohol in Nancy’s body.