source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
— As reported earlier, during the Taylor Wilde vs. Christy Hemme match on Impact last week, they briefly showed a black frame that said “” When you go to, it features cryptic words about a wrestler seeking vengeance on the people in TNA. Of course, the character is based off of a fictional character in the upcoming Impact video game. Anyway, the best bet for the wrestler to portray the character is Frankie Kazarian. He has not parted ways with TNA and is still working house shows on a regular basis.
— Last week’s edition of Impact drew a 0.87 cable rating and 1.2 million viewers overall. Despite the low rating, the show ranked No. 2 on cable in its time slot in the Males 18-49 demo, drawing a 0.77 (down from 0.80 the week before) The show also drew a 0.57 in Males 35-49, way down from the 1.13 rating the week before, so you can see where the show took a hit. In segment-by-segment notes, the Matt Morgan promo & squash match was a big ratings loser as his segments lost 165,000 viewers. The Beautiful People with Karen Angle interview segment and in-ring debut of the Sheik Abdul Bashir character (taking on Jay Lethal) gained 55,000 viewers. Interviews with Booker and a tape of Sting with Kevin Nash from after the pay-per-view gained 124,000 viewers and drew the show’s best rating at 0.91. The big Samoa Joe & Kevin Nash vs. Team 3D match was a ratings loser, losing 69,000 viewers. A match featuring Christy Hemme vs. Taylor Wilde and tons of post-match stuff involving the Knockouts gained 55,000 viewers. The Hernandez vs. James Storm match stayed even. The heavily-hyped Kurt Angle vs. AJ Styles amateur rules match with the ring ropes down lost 14,000 viewers.
— TNA star Sheik Abdul Bashir will be appearing on the In Your Head wrestling radio show tonight at 8:00 p.m. You can listen to the show at
See pics of Abyss UNMASKED!