Talks start at 13:00 Friday and run all weekend. For the best experience, you can reserve you seat for £2.

Mark Kleanthous has completed over 460 triathlons and he opens the show with his top tips on how avoid digestive and mental disaster on your long distance triathlon. Next up is Adam Walker to guide you through his Oceans 7 challenge. Joe Beer keeps the afternoon on track as he summarises twelve years of triathlon shows to discover what we’ve actually learned during a Q&A session.

Endurance adventurer and 220 Show first time presenter, Luke Tyburski, will be persuading you to up your game to take on long-distance and Ironman events. If you want to know what it’s like to compete in the Sahara and Nepal, he’s got you covered.

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Saturday starts at 10:15 with Joe Beer on bike optimisation. With several Ironman challenges under his feet, Joe’s advice is not to be missed. 220 Triathlon’s contributing chef, Kate Percy, steps up next with a demonstration on how to make your own energy balls and recovery drinks.

Adam Walker returns for those who missed his Oceans 7 talk the first time round and Swim Smooth founder, Paul Newsome helps you make the most of your swim training with interval training based on critical swim speed (CSS). Paul has coached over 5,000 swimmers, so whatever your skill level, he’ll be able to help.

Mark Kleanthous returns, ready to snap you from your mid-afternoon lethargy, with his seminar on how to conquer Ironman challenges. It’s aimed at first time competitors and veterans alike so there’ll definitely be something for you.

Triathlon trainer, Steve Trew, rounds off the day with his take on mental attitude. He’s been a coach at the last six Olympics and Commonwealth games so if you want to know how the professionals think, Steve’s your man. 

You’ll have one last chance on Sunday to catch Paul Newsome, Joe Beer and Adam Walker before the show ends when 220 columnist, Martyn Brunt, wraps up the weekend with an entertaining quiz on triathlon trivia and what really happens during races.

If you can’t make your mind up or are concerned about conflicting events, the theatre schedule is HERE, ready to assist you plan your day.

Need a top seat for your favourite speaker? Book your seat HERE.


Don’t miss out on great savings, quote code 2W16 when ordering to get two adult tickets for only £16 (usual on-the-door ticket price £12. £2.25 transaction fee applies. Offer ends 24th February 2015). For more info, and to buy your ticket, head HERE.