Découvrez l’affiche officielle de la 85e édition des Oscars rassemblant 85 statuettes faisant écho aux précédents lauréats. Le talentueux Olly Moss (dont nous vous parlions “85 Oscars du meilleur film en une affiche [PHOTO]”
Month: February 2020
Dilma Rousseff, la madone du Brésil abattue
Les coeurs des Brésiliens battent à l’unisson et en ce lendemain de défaite à la Coupe du monde, chacun tente d’essuyer ses sanglots. Dilma Rousseff, “Dilma Rousseff, la madone du Brésil abattue”
Arnold Schwarzenegger est prêt pour Terminator 5
« I’ll be back » ! Cette phrase, Arnold Schwarzenegger l’a répétée des centaines de fois – et il ne mentait pas. Terminator revient pour “Arnold Schwarzenegger est prêt pour Terminator 5”
Elvis Presley raconté par Ginger Alden
Muette pendant 37 ans, Ginger Alden retrace dans un livre les derniers jours du King. Entre grandeur et décadence. Par Maryvonne Ollivry. Son nom ne “Elvis Presley raconté par Ginger Alden”
Rashida Tlaib to Seth Meyers: 'Racist Idiots' Took My Holocaust Comments Out of Context
Appearing Monday evening on NBC’s Late Night with Seth Meyers, Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) was unapologetic about her remarks regarding the Holocaust, claiming “racist idiots” “Rashida Tlaib to Seth Meyers: 'Racist Idiots' Took My Holocaust Comments Out of Context”
EU shoots down Theresa May’s customs plan
Britain's Brexit secretary Dominic Raab and the EU's chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier in Brussels | John Thys/AFP via Getty Images EU shoots down Theresa “EU shoots down Theresa May’s customs plan”
European Parliament push for clean energy package faces resistance
The sun setting behind a wind turbine in Bouin, western France | Loic Venance/AFP via Getty Images European Parliament push for clean energy package faces “European Parliament push for clean energy package faces resistance”
Fashion Notes: Melania Trump Is Whimsical in Feather Embroidered Gown
First Lady Melania Trump arrived for an evening in Tokyo, Japan, alongside President Trump in a luxuriously whimsical feather embroidered gown. Mrs. Trump swept through “Fashion Notes: Melania Trump Is Whimsical in Feather Embroidered Gown”
Hollywood Elite to Throw Mega Cash at Joe Biden's 2020 Campaign
Former vice president Joe Biden is likely to jump into the Democratic race in the next week — and that means raising big piles of “Hollywood Elite to Throw Mega Cash at Joe Biden's 2020 Campaign”
Macron wants to rein in Silicon Valley, from Brussels
Emmanuel Macron has set his mind to imposing tougher rules on the world’s biggest tech companies, and he plans to use next year’s European election “Macron wants to rein in Silicon Valley, from Brussels”